Go Big & Go Home! Deciding When to Move and Where to Live

The decision to move is a major one. Individuals and families often spend years contemplating when and where they will relocate next. Other times, a move feels imminent due to factors such as desiring a larger house or taking a new job in a different locale. Making a major transition always comes with some level of uncertainty. However, there are usually telltale signs that it’s time to put your current residence on the market and start a life in a new home or location.

Signs It’s Time to Move

The signals that indicate a transfer can take many forms, including a variety of social and financial factors. The following are several signs that you should make the major life change of relocating to a new home or city.


It’s not uncommon to feel a desire to move closer to certain family members after an extended amount of time away. Sometimes this is to provide support for aging parents or grandparents, or it’s to have the help of family members when raising children. There are a million reasons why you may feel compelled to move closer to family. It may be time to move if you’re feeling that the current distance is just too far.


It’s more costly to reside in certain neighborhoods, cities and parts of the country. You may be living in a city that limits the luxuries you can enjoy. This could be because a majority of your income is used to pay rent or mortgage. It’s likely time to move if the cost of living in the current location is causing an extreme amount of stress and anxiety. Moving to an inexpensive town or into an economical home could provide the financial freedom you need to enjoy life more fully.

Constant Dissatisfaction

Maybe it’s the chilly climate, boredom, traffic or undesirable neighbors that causes you to complain about where you’re living. If this is the case, then it’s likely time for a move. Constant grumbling can put you at risk of becoming angrier and enjoying a lesser quality of life. Remain aware of your protests, and if they’re all rooted in the place you call home, it’s time to plant roots elsewhere.

A Need for Space

A growing family is often a reason to search for a new house, and often, a fresh city or suburb. However, you don’t have to be expecting kids to want more space around the house. You may want a larger outdoor area for gardening or extra room for furry friends. It doesn’t matter what’s calling you to a more spacious property; it’s probably time to make the change.

Deciding Where to Move                           

You’ve been experiencing the telltale signs of a possible relocation for a while, and now it’s time to take the next step. Deciding where to purchase a house can be as difficult as deciding it’s time to go. The following are several factors to consider when choosing the next town or city to call home.

It’s Family-Friendly

Having a family means certain aspects will play a larger role in your decision-making process. Search for an area with quality schools, a variety of parks and outdoor spaces, and plenty of family-friendly activities.

Proximity to Work        

A new job may be taking you to a new residence, and the neighborhood can have a major impact on your happiness. Consider whether you’re interested in living in a suburban, rural or urban area as well as how difficult the commute to work will be. A long drive could impact the time that’s spent at home or in the new city

Community Safety

Always review area crime reports before choosing a town or neighborhood. A little research can unveil a variety of factors that will affect your decision. You may find that a certain part of town is known for being family-friendly and that another is commonly affected by crime.

Areas of Interest

Everybody has different hobbies, and those pastimes could affect where we are happy living. Consider what you like to do most. It could be shopping, running outdoors or spending time at the library. Oftentimes, friends and family may share their advice on where you should move, but be sure to keep your interests at the forefront when making a final choice.

Making a move is a major decision, whether you’re considering relocating from an apartment into a single-family home or are hoping to change your life across the country. It’s important to remain aware of the signs that it’s time to transition and consider all of the factors above when deciding where to go. Moving isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly, but it’s one that could greatly transform your life for the better. For more tips on when to relocate and where to reside, see the accompanying resource.

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